Tips for Preventing Head Injuries in Children from Your Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney
According to the Brain Injury Association of America, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the leading cause of both disability and death in children throughout the United States, with the 2 largest age groups being from 0-4 and 15-19. Although it's never possible to protect your child 100% from head injuries or any other type of injury, there are certain things you can do to make sure they are protected as much as possible, and to ensure protection from head traumas. Cybercrime lawyer. As a father myself, and as a personal injury attorney here in Atlanta, Georgia, I am aware of how easily and unexpectedly an injury can happen. Though some of these might seem like common sense, please review the suggestions below to ensure that your child is as safe and protected as possible from head injury or brain trauma.
Safety in your home:
If your child is an infant, never leave them alone on a bed, sofa, or other high area, not even for a quick moment.
When selecting a high chair for your child, make sure you choose one that has a wide base, to prevent it from tipping over. There should be a seatbelt with a crotch strap that goes between your child's legs to prevent him from slipping out. Make sure you always fasten him in using both the seatbelt and the crotch strap. Also make sure the tray is locked securely on both sides. And always keep the high chair positioned at least 12 inches away from the counter or table when your child is in it. This prevents him from pushing off with his feet and turning over the chair.
If you have firearms in your home, make sure they are locked away safely at all times in a cabinet that is inaccessible to your children.
If your home is two stories, be sure to use childproof gates on your stairs, both at the top and the bottom of the stairs.
Don't allow your child to play on trampolines, if possible. Trampolines are a leading cause of injury in children. Even when safety precautions are followed and a safety net is installed, trampolines are still extremely dangerous, according to this report entitled "Trampolines are no Place for Kids, Docs Warn"
If your child is in a crib, ALWAYS keep the side rails up. Don't step away even for a moment without them up - accidents always happen when you least expect it.
Be aware of the danger of bunk beds, and don't buy them. If you do have them already, make sure there is a side rail that is in place at night, and that the bed has a sturdy frame.
Automobile safety - Be sure that the car seat you are using for your child is a proper fit for their height and weight. If it's an incorrect fit this can be dangerous, and may do more harm than good. You can check with your local police station to find out where you can have the car seat checked for proper fit at no charge. You can also ask your pediatrician's office for their advice.
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